2016-12 W52: Forecasts for Week 52 of 2016

2016-12 W52: Forecasts for Week 52 of 2016

WEEK 52 (W52) / (EUROPEAN WEEK 51 / W51)

The Moon is waning just a few days past full with both the Winter Solstice on Wednesday the 21st along with the shift to the last quarter.  By itself, those are enough to make this week “interesting” but the Mercury Retrograde station Monday precisely on the day that the College of Cardinals, er the Electoral College, meets to decide (if that is possible for them) on our new president.  Let’s hope for white smoke so we can all move forward.  Saturday contains the highly influential trine of Saturn to Uranus, and the following week contains the Uranus direct station.  Though almost all of the Uber Liberals don’t get it, Donald Trump IS a Uranian president-elect, and this week is important to him (and us).  These Uranus / Saturn / Mercury shifts on top of the Solstice mark significant turning points regarding large scale shifts.

Sunday is the day before the retrograde station (but well into the two week “shadow” period).  Expect glitches particularly regarding transportation and communication.  But Sunday is also a day that favors gained from compassion to others.  Monday is dominated by the retrograde station and a semi-square of Mercury to Mars.  Watch the temper and the words; chances are good you will say something in the heat of the moment that you regret later.  Monday is extremely complex and very Martian.   Tuesday continues some of Monday’s complexity but is more of a “cleanup” for those reeling from the aftermath of Monday.

Wednesday  marks a turning point on many levels including the power metaphysical turning point of the Winter Solstice.  The ancients believed othat the Winter Solstice was the ultimate symbol of hope, and powerful arguments have been made that it is the basis of any number of religions speaking of “rising from the dead.”  You are certainly free to believe whatever you wish.

Thursday is a day of practical action where you can “get things done” keeping in mind the shifts in Mercury and Uranus.  Friday has the predictable annual karma of last minute holiday gift shopping amplified.  As we said previously, Saturday contains the highly influential trine of Saturn to Uranus, and the following week contains the Uranus direct station.

Healthcare is a BIG issue this week.  And, this is a busy week!


Sunday is the day before the retrograde station (but well into the two week “shadow” period).  Expect glitches particularly regarding transportation and communication.  But Sunday is also a day that favors gained from compassion to others.

Help others!  Help others!  We cannot say it enough today!  This has a similar feel to the Saturday night that contained the Pulse Club shootings.  Helping someone can save lives, maybe many lives.  Be helpful.


Monday is dominated by the retrograde station and a semi-square of Mercury to Mars.  Watch the temper and the words; chances are good you will say something in the heat of the moment that you regret later.  Monday is extremely complex and very Martian.

The most favorable aspect today is Vesta trine Hygeia, and we have some real benefit from traditions and routine procedures in healthcare.  Stick to basics and AVOID being “creative” in this area.  BUT you will obtain powerful INSIGHT (similar to tomorrow).  Capture them for later, but know that glitches can happen today.  The rest is very tricky, but, again, can provide you with useful insights.


Tuesday continues some of Monday’s complexity but is more of a “cleanup” for those reeling from the aftermath of Monday.  Lunar activity is moderate with Last Quarter starting this evening in the Western Hemisphere and tomorrow in EU / UK.

The day ALMOST seems quiet, except that huge issues are emerging that provide powerful insights in events that are coming soon.  Capture what fleets by you with writing, drawing, a camera, or audio recorder, and keep it for later.  Almost certainly you will have useful ideas and may develop useful skills from insights captured today.


Wednesday  marks a turning point on many levels including the power metaphysical turning point of the Winter Solstice.  The ancients believed that the Winter Solstice was the ultimate symbol of hope, and powerful arguments have been made that it is the basis of any number of religions speaking of “rising from the dead.”  You are certainly free to believe whatever you wish.  The Solstice happens at 4:44 AM CST this morning, so if you celebrate the Solstice you might do that Tuesday night and today with a breakfast.  (Some numerologists would consider “4:44” to be a powerful “Stargate,” a portal for change and opportunity (both gain or loss, so use it carefully and wisely).)

Martians are super-active today, and we might see some violence.  So, be careful regarding dangerous people, places, and things, and avoid being one of those yourself.


Thursday is a day of practical action where you can “get things done” keeping in mind the shifts in Mercury and Uranus.  You may be FORCED to be practical today in some manner, such as taking care of automotive maintenance that you have neglected or something similar.  If you are really on top of such things, then today can be a breakthrough day for you where you have powerful insights regarding such practical matter.

Healthcare is a BIG issue this week.  Uranus sesequiquadrate leaves some of us desparate to push through visits to healthcare providers before insurance deductables reset in January.  But surprises are likely, and other, unexpected, issues might emerge.


Friday has the predictable annual karma of last minute holiday gift shopping amplified but, again, powerful insights to those who have properly prepared.  Ceres (food, prosperity) sesquiquadrates (square + semi-square, and a powerful sense of “urgency”) the North Node, and we truly wonder if we can afford that superb gift we would like to give.  No question about it, it would enrich both them and us.  But, can we afford it?  You must decide.

Neptune squares Astraea, and legal issues emerge.  These tend to involve poetry, photography, or healthcare, but I bet that they might involve issues related to visitation for divorced parents and their children.


Saturday contains the highly influential trine of Saturn to Uranus, and the following week contains the Uranus direct station.  Our experience is that “day of” perfection of long term outer planet aspects such as this one often result in NOTHING.  Rather, a lunation such as the previous Full Moon or upcoming New Moon, or station such as the Mercury or Uranus stations, usually present the “precipitating events” related to the big picture shift.

That said, this is Christmas Eve and we expect some people will have “surprises” on Christmas Day that are a bit more “surprising” than anyone expected.  Mars quincunx Vesta indicates some significant disputes may emerge about traditions, particularly if they involve Martians (athletes, police, soldiers, and similar).  Hygeia squares the North Node, so watch for any overexertion related to things like shoveling snow.  Instead, use that energy to give a gift to the less fortunate.

Author: Grandtrines

Like so many people, I am a paradox. I am a politically conservative vegetarian. I am from a Christian background, and still tend to like those values, but am a metaphysical astrologer trained in science who has an interest in the magic of ancient Egypt and a weird belief that some piece of our essence can live on a server. I live in Texas, but like chatting with my international Wordpress pals the best. I learn by teaching. Technically, I am a "Leo," but I am very, very Aquarian with a dose of Scorpio. I bitterly complain about Algol (and Algol personaliites), yet it is the one star that defines me most (other than Regulus). (Which, oddly, makes me an Algol personality.) I am a reclusive lover of peace and quiet who has the Ascendant in the Via Combusta (the most conflict ridden part of the zodiac). I am an incredibly private person with a blog with over 800 followers and 50 to 150 regular daily visitors. I could go on, but I think you get the picture.

6 thoughts on “2016-12 W52: Forecasts for Week 52 of 2016”

    1. That seems to state the obvious, doesn’t it. I am certain you do not find that to be surprising. And the fact that you do not find it to be surprising is not very surprising, either. 🙂 Let me know if you do, indeed, have any ACTUAL surprises!

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